Tomorrow's Halloween! Today I'm helping at a fun Halloween party. I'm excited! For Halloween I'm being Batman, except I'm going to have a costume that's too small for me! I'll have pictures of it soon! What's everyone else being? I want to know!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Hannah Montana Concert
Today I get to go to the Hannah Montana concert! I'm so excited! She's performing at the Delta Center, excuse me, I mean,... The Energy Solutions Center. I hate that name! I much prefer the Delta Center. Anyways,... my cousins invited me to go with them! They are sooo cute! One is 5 and the other is 8. Thank You SO much guys! Our seats are on row 13 (I think.) They are coming to pick me up in, like, 20 minutes. I know you all are jealous! I'll update soon about how it was!
Posted by Courtney at 2:29 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Pumpkin Carving
Today we carved our pumpkins. It was a lot of fun. It took "guts" to clean the pumpkins out! Ha...Ha...Ha...!(?) This year my dad didn't carve one of his own, he helped Christopher carve his. Christopher carved Nick's. Marty's is a skeleton, my mom's is the only happy one, mine is a (?)vampire dripping blood, Nick's is ... um, I don't know, and Chris's is just a spooooky jack-o-lantern. Here's some pictures.
These are all of the family's pumpkins.
My mom's, a happy chap!
Mine, can you see the blood?
Marty's is on the left and Nick's (that Chris carved) is on the right.
Last, but not least Christopher's.
Posted by Courtney at 8:15 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Is This Really October?
It's October and it's almost Halloween. Have we already been in school almost a month? It goes by so fast! We got our Halloween decorations up a week or two ago. Here are some of them.This is the new spider web that my mom bought this year. My friend and I made a spider out of clay. Hopefully it will stay up there.
The green gourd on the left was made by Jenny Gochnour.
This is what I saw last night. That's SNOW!
And THIS is what I woke up to this morning.
I can't believe that it's already snowed! Is this really October?
Posted by Courtney at 9:17 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Here's something cool!
My name has CUTE in it!
CoUrTnEy C-U-T-E!
Posted by Courtney at 3:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
A New Tire Swing
Today my mom bought a tire and rope to hang a new tire swing. As soon as she told us this Marty and his friend ran outside and got the tire and me and Lexie rushed to the garage to get the ladder. We had some struggles getting the ladder high enough, in the right place, steady, etc. But we finally got it. I have to admit Lexie is a lot braver than me, because I would not climb up that ladder to tie the rope and Lexie did it right away (as long as I held the ladder).
Once the rope was tied nice and tight Lexie and I tried to make a hole in the tire. We couldn't find the drill bits so we drilled a screw through it. With a drill you can pull the screw back out with the reverse button right? I guess not. We couldn't figure out how to get the screw out! This is Marty struggling to get the screw back out of the tire.
Finally my dad came home, got the screw out, made a hole, and hung the tire! I was the first one to swing on it! Here I am!
Finally we have a new tire swing!
Posted by Courtney at 9:07 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Can the Frog Tap Dance? The Video
I looked around and found the song Happy Feet! It's not exactly like my CD, but it's pretty darn close! Just click on the ? to go to the link.
Posted by Courtney at 5:51 PM 1 comments
My Dominoe Creation
Today I was building dominoes. It took me quite a few times before I finished it without knocking it down, but here it is.
Posted by Courtney at 5:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Cute Nick Pics
Pouty Boy. He really wanted me to swing with him.
Soccer Boy. He kicked the ball right before I took the picture, but I think that this is much cooler.
Posted by Courtney at 12:01 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Jr. High Moments this Week
These are the Jr. High embarrassing moments of this week:
1) I fell off my chair 2-3 times in the same period, one in which I sliped through the middle of two chairs.
2) During lunch I tripped on my own foot and my friend had to help me stay steady.
3) During music whenever I stood up I had to sit back down and s-l-o-w-l-y stand back up because I stood up to fast and felt dizzy. (I know mom, I need to drink more water)
4) When I was helping put risers away in music I bumped into a boy because I couldn't stop myself from walking (my friend was kind of pushing on her side of the riser) I was also saying "Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out!"
5) As I was going up the stairs I was telling my friend about #4 and tripped and pushed a kid (by accident, I'm not the violent type)
6) In PE I started telling the other team what to do to get MY team out (without knowing it).
I'm sure more will be added on as the week goes on.
Posted by Courtney at 3:09 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Delicious Evening
My friend's mom is a FABULOUS cook! She even has a cooking class. She cooks and teaches everyone how to at the same time. I was lucky and my friend invited me to come. Tonight was CHOC ~ O ~ LATE night! Deeeelicious! (Kay, remember?) She made an Oreo Cake, a Chocolate Dream Pie, Death by Chocolate Pudding Cake, Bliss Cheesecake (my personal favorite), and Black and White Mousse. Oh yeah, I know you all are jealous! I'm SO lucky! I LOVED it! At the end we all got a little bit of EVERYTHING!
I'm a party pooper and wasn't able to finish it all, so I had to bring it home and eat the rest. My mom broke her 'no sugar' diet and ate some, she just couldn't stand it sitting right in front of her, taunting her, saying (in a really high pitched voice) "Angela, Angela, we're delicious! Come and eat us! Angela." OK, so desserts* don't really talk, but I'm sure she was imagining it.
As it is a school night and it is 10:37 and I'm supposed to be asleep by 10:00 I better go. Blogging is so addicting!
*I always seemed to get deserts and desserts mixed up until my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Wagstaff taught me that you want more desserts, so you have more s'! Just a little tip for all of you like me who quite often get words like that mixed up.
Posted by Courtney at 10:22 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Just a Little Tip
Never try to do confusing algebra while in your room with the door shut laying on the carpet or you might fall asleep and be really tired and not want to get up for dinner even though you are really hungry. Instead you should do confusing algebra somewhere where you have some fresh air, at a table, and where you don't feel closed in. TRUST ME! (it may have happened)
Posted by Courtney at 9:25 PM 2 comments
My Root Canal
So, I had a root canal today. Ouch! Painful! I was sobbing! I think after this I'm going to go to bed. No, just kidding! I started by leaving music class 15 minutes early! Yes! Then when I got to the dentist office he started. I barely felt a thing! Maybe that's because my tooth was mostly dead (who's seen Princess Bride?!) While he was doing the root canal I felt the drill, I felt the wire thingy that he stuck up my tooth, but (Meesh, this may shock you!) it didn't hurt! It tickled! Well, I'm glad that my teeth are back to (kind-of) normal. Now I can just live a normal life! Ha ha ha!
Posted by Courtney at 9:11 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Music Class Correction
Why NOT do random things? Correction from last post:
I will ALWAYS do random things!
Posted by Courtney at 7:22 PM 3 comments
Music Class
As one of the required Jr. High classes I have to take music. Personally, I think that it's very boring. I used to be in the very back and in the middle. Since I was far back I figured I wouldn't get caught if I did my Algebra homework. I never did! (Aren't I terrible!) My mom said it was OK! At least I'm not sluffing! He then moved me a row forward, the third row. I had to be a little more cautious, but I could still work. Then he moved me again! I'm now by the wall, which I don't like, and in the front! I guess no more homework. Dang it!
(I'm new at this blogging thing, today's my first day. I didn't want only one post, so I wrote something random. I'll try not to do it again! Ha Ha Ha!)
Posted by Courtney at 6:15 PM 3 comments
Can The Frog Tap Dance?
Of course you are wondering about my strange title. I chose this for a few reasons.
1) I am a fan of the muppets and have the CD.
2) This is the question that has baffled mankind through the ages.
3) It (in my opinion) is funny. But maybe that's just because I am "weird" and listen to the Muppet CD.
You probably won't get this unless you have heard the CD or song, but in one of the songs Kermit the Frog says, "Now is time to answer that question that has baffled mankind through the ages, namely, Can the Frog Tap Dance?"
So, you can still think that my title is strange, but at least you know why I chose it.
Posted by Courtney at 4:33 PM 1 comments