Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Braces :(

Today I just got my braces tightened and they REALLY hurt!  I got a spring on one side to help a tooth grow in and rubber bands on the other.  Ugh...  I can't wait until I get these stupid braces off!  Ruby gets them off before the end of this year! Lucky!  Ya... So that's my braces story.  (at least I updated!)  (P.S. I love your haircut Chandler!)


Chanarama! said...

i am sorry!

Michelle said...

Ick! I remember those days. When I first got my braces on I came home and made myself a big huge yummy sandwich. Big mistake. I took one bite and felt the pain. At least you have tough Adair girl genes to help you conquer the pain :-).

I had a tooth in the roof of my mouth that had a wire attached to it to pull it into place. When I asked the Orhtho how it would get into place he said, "Have you evere seen a hot knife slice through butter? It's just like that!" Ouch, in my mouth? It all worked out okay in the end. And thankfully I got my braces off in 9th grade...much better than having them in High School! Sounds like yours should be off long before High School too.

Ruby Tuesday said...

I am sorry! I'll still love you braces or no braces! Besides you're so cute that braces only make you look better! love ya!