Saturday, December 22, 2007

Funny Sleepover

Yesterday me and my friends had a sleepover.  We danced to music in my room, watched National Treasure, played PacMan and Galaga, started watching Elf, took pictures and had fun!  Here's some of the pictures that we took!

Me and my friend playing Galaga.  I wasted everyone! :)
We are just being weird, like normal!
It looks likes someone's a little tired.


Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH!!!!! Who is that hideous person!!! EEEEKKKKK I think it me! Why did you put those pics on?!?!!?!?!?! Oh, I guess its ok I do look kinda sexy in the 2nd one (jk!)

Courtney said...

LOL, you know, anyone could be reading your comment!

Anonymous said...

who is that sexy beast in the penguin shirt?yummy!!!!!!!!!

- chanarama